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Being the student aspiring to be health cadre delivers and service providers we are

entitled responsibility to the Tanzanians and world at large as tomorrow health


Having a goal to prepare diligent health professionals ADUPS was founded in Mid

August 1987 by MUCHS pharmacy students and as a result of guidance and support

from IPSF, the association was officially registered on the 4th April 1990 in UDSM.

 It became a full member of IPSF and APSF in August 1993 and September 2002


 ADUPS has being active for almost twenty years and her members have every reason

to be proud for attaining this age. In the year-2007 MUCHS declared transformation

from being a constituent College of University of Dar es Salaam to full fledged

University hereby namely MUHAS. ADUPS had to transform her name and become


 Following this expansion the association is having chapters in Colleges/Universities

providing a bachelor of Pharmacy such as MUHAS and SJUT.

Being pharmacy student we are entitled to understand that the national health policy

and National drug policy in particular in vital to guide Tanzania towards the

development of health sector, henceforth we shall dedicate our effort tirelessly and

diligently make sure that ordinary Tanzanians are well informed on the rational use of

drug, essential drug concept and drug information at large in order to have improved

health services provision, assess and equality while addressing the different reforms

that are taking place in the health sector.

 TAPSA shall always offer tremendous scientific contribution in matters of healh

importance and drug information in particular through our dedicated commitment.


  1. Of coz ……!!
    if we promote it better, then will gain popularity like michuz blog


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