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information a patient can get from a pharmacist

Pharmacist being the expert of medicine is expected to communicate with patient on matters relating to the medication uses. A pharmacist should appropriately educate patients on the following when dispensing prescription and non-prescription drugs, when patient counseling on discharge medications or when providing recommendations about management of specific drug related problem name and class of the drug (e.g. antibiotic, pain reliever)
·       1-directions for use including education about drug device
     2-special storage requirements
·       3-common or important drug-drug or drug-food interactions
·   4- the reason for the drug and the intended therapeutic response and associated time frames.
·       5-common or important side effects and associated time frames
·  6-  what the patient should do to monitor his/her therapeutic response or development of side effects
·     7- actions the patient should take if the intended therapeutic response is not obtained or sideeffects develop when appropriate, the actions the pharmacist will undertake to monitor the patient's progress


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